The #1 Chemical Peel that is designed to target Pigmentation, Acne and Aging for all skin type.
what is Vi Peel ?
The Vi Peel is a gentle yet powerful medical-grade chemical peel for the treatment of acne and acne scarring, fine lines ad wrinkles, age and sun spots, hyperpigmentation, melanoma, rosacea, enlarged pores, oil balancing and overall skin texture.
The Vi Peel is safe, painless and effective on the all skin types and skin tone colors and can be used on the face, neck, chest, arms, back and legs, and is the only peel safe for under-eyes area. It also require a minimal downtime. The formula of Vi Peel its magical using a blend of Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA), Tretinoic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Phenol, Vitamin C, and other components that work together to safely remove the top layer of the skin, promote cellular turnover for a radiant glowing skin.
what to expect ?
During the consultation with the esthetician we will discus the current skin condition, the benefits and the post care of the Vi Peel.
Once we have created a plan treatment with the Vi Peel we can start. The treatment is 45-50 min and consist of cleansing the face and following the Vi Peel protocol. After the treatment we suggest you to take time to yourself as it requires 4 hours post home care giving to you by the esthetician. It's important that you won't plan any major events in the next few days. The skin will start peeling on the 3rd day until the 7th day.
1 session $400
3 sessions $1050